Do you ever notice that when you’re moving in the right direction the world seems to work with you? Like everything is conspiring for you?
On January 7th, we decided to start house shopping. In less than a week we found the one and had our offer accepted. Yesterday we learned that we will be closing and moving in on February 12th.
On January 25th, I noticed a Facebook invite from Sue Henry, a networking acquaintance. She had just started a group called Connect, Grow, Learn, Succeed. I accepted the invite.
The first person I connected with in it was Kim Julen, owner of Finding Your Fiji. She helps people create harmony for their head, heart, and home. Her work includes coaching, angel readings, and Feng Shui. Finding Your Fiji is all about finding and living your dream life.
“I really love all of the different aspects of my business. I would be bored if I just had to do one thing. Some people ask, ‘How did you create this business where they all come together?'” Kim’s answer: it’s about having harmony between your head, heart, and home.
Moving On and Finding Her Fiji in Maui
Kim is well-versed in what it means to move forward without hesitation. In 2017 she moved from Minnesota to Maui, a place she had never been.
“I thought that I was going to visit,” said Kim. “My angels and guides were giving me signs that Maui was meant to be my place. I literally had to sell everything I owned to move. It’s expensive to ship things to Maui. It made more sense to dump everything.”
During a Secret Santa exchange the gifts she received were cushioned with a “Maui Divers” gift bag. No one but her close at friend and mentor knew that Maui had been on her mind.
“I started leaning in.” Kim put her house on the market and sold it twice in the first week. She credits Feng Shui adjustments with the assist on that. “I closed on my house on a Monday. Hopped on a plane on Tuesday.”

Kim Julen in Maui
Maui feels like home to Kim. “I’m sitting here in shorts and a t-shirt. It’s pretty much always beautiful. It’s 79 degrees. It was 63 this morning. I love never being cold. Every night I feel like the sunset looks different. I don’t know that taking pictures is ever going to get old.”
She tells me this as my fiance and I are on the road back to Rochester, Minnesota from St. Cloud. It might have been as warm as 12 degrees.
Kim brought lots of shoes from Minnesota to Maui. It turns out all one needs is a pair of dressy flip-flops, a pair of beach flip-flops, and maybe some hiking shoes. As a traveler, I love knowing what shoes to pack when going to new locations. I have never been to an island.
“You can go into stores without shoes or shirts. That’s a normal thing,” said Kim. “It’s also more relaxed. Nobody’s in a hurry. People eat a lot healthier. They’re more active. I love hiking, swimming in the ocean. I can experience those on a daily basis.”

Kim hiking in Maui
In Minnesota, Kim was taking sea salt baths to clear energy. Now she can go float in the ocean to achieve the same thing. She’s found her favorite beaches, does a lot of hiking, is taking a dance class, and started doing improv. “It’s amazing. I go to classes every week. We perform once a month. I’ve learned about myself.”
Ever considered doing improv? Read All I Need To Know I Learned at Improv Class.
Our conversation shifted back to feng shui.
“Everything has energy,” said Kim. “Everything in our environment affects us. You can feel the energy in a space.”
There was a client Kim worked with who had hung onto a wedding dress she never wore down the aisle for 20-plus years. Kim urged her to get rid of it, but she didn’t want to take it to a thrift shop. They found an organization that makes baby burial gowns out of wedding dresses. Her client felt good about giving the dress to them and better after the dress was gone. “The energy of things really does affect us.”
As Kim and I talked, I started thinking about the remnants Chris and I have in our current home that we might want to leave behind. We started packing this weekend and making decisions about what items will not be joining us.
One fun suggestions Kim had for moving into a new home: If you want to paint any rooms, a beautiful thing to do is to write your intention on the wall in pencil before painting. Or, if you’re painting your front door, write intentions there. Here are some other feng shui moves you can do for the front door of you home: Shut the Front Door or Open It.
Since she found her Fiji in Maui, Kim is launching a Find Your Maui program. The program is a private and group hybrid. Participants will have three sessions per month with the group and one private session that is recorded each month, so that the session can be listened to again.
“It’s basically following the processes in my book that helped navigate me here,” said Kim. Her book is a work in progress that she began about five months ago. “There were different things that I did at certain times.” She will be teaching people to tap into their intuition, connect with the Divine, and keep energy clear.
Since Valentine’s Day is getting near, I asked Kim if she had any Feng Shui suggestions for love. She sent me to this great post of hers: Feng Shui for Love.
Do you feel like your life is moving in the direction you want it to? I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas about how you’re navigating towards your dream life! You can email me at
Follow Finding Your Fiji on Instagram for more Maui photos like the below @findingyourfiji
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