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Inner Beauty Yum Muffins

April 19, 2019 Comments Off on Inner Beauty Yum Muffins

Why Inner Beauty?

First, these muffins look humble. Maybe they should be Humble Warrior Inner Beauty Yum Muffins. What do you think? #BrandingThoughts

Second, I’ve been reading The Beauty Diet by Davide Wolfe and it’s inspired some of my ingredient choices for these muffins. First and foremost, the honey!

Breaking Food Blogger Code, I’m Giving You the Ingredients Up Top

Inner Beauty Yum Muffin Ingredients

2 bananas mashed
3 Tbsp. Wild Friends Almond Cashew Super Butter
2 Tbsp. oat milk
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
2 tsp. Bragg’s Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 cup oat flour
3/4 cup almond Flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
Stir Ins:
2 Tbsp. chia seed
1 6 ounce package of fresh or about 1 cup frozen raspberries
1/4 cup(s) dark chocolate chips

Directions to come and I’ll repeat the ingredients along with them, because nobody has time to scroll back and forth again while baking.

The honey

Honey is such a good-for-you sugar source! It’s good for the skin, keeping trim, and catching Z’s (re: Beauty Sleep). According to David Wolfe in The Beauty Diet, “Honey’s amino acids support tissue rebuilding and repair to keep the foundation under skin plump and strong…enzymes make honey a nourishing replacement for white sugar and high-fructose corn syrup; they support digestion, the assimilation of food and nutrients, and weight loss efforts (unlike fake sweeteners, which tear your body down and create fat).”

The bananas

I didn’t use overripe bananas. I could’ve. My muffins might have been better. However, I was too excited to make these to wait for them to ripen. Then, after the fact, I read that the less ripe a banana is the more pectin it has. What’s so great about pectin? It’s a soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol, normalizes bowel function, and helps you feel full. Lest you think I’m way smarter than I am, I didn’t know what it was until I was reading this article by the BBC: The health benefits of bananas

The raspberries

Raspberries are a sweet, tart powerhouse that’s low in sugar! I LOVE them! Even without knowing their health benefits I’ve enjoyed them. True and sad fact: I used to eat raspberry white chocolate scones topped with sugar at Caribou Coffee a couple of times a week. Then, they switched the bakery they went with. Thank goodness. Also, I started taking more of an interest in nutrition and making my own goodies.

According to, “One cup of raspberries provides over 50% of the minimum daily target for vitamin C, which supports immunity and skin health and helps produce collagen.”

The Nutrition

4 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein per muffin! Only 120 calories, 6 grams of sugar, and 6 grams of fat in each muffin. A note on how I sort out nutrition. I go to MyFitnessPal, enter in all of my ingredients, match them up, and click save. I am not a dietitian, nutritionist, or medical professional of any kind.

Inner Beauty Yum Muffins Nutrition

The Recipe with Directions


Inner Beauty Yum Muffin Ingredients

Inner Beauty Muffins Instagram Picture
2 bananas mashed
3 Tbsp. Wild Friends Peanut Cashew Super Butter
2 Tbsp. oat milk
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
2 tsp. Bragg’s Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 cup oat flour
3/4 cup almond Flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
Stir Ins:
2 Tbsp. chia seed
1 6 ounce package of fresh or about 1 cup frozen raspberries
1/4 cup(s) dark chocolate chips

Step 1: Pre-heat the oven to 425 degrees.
Step 2: Line a 12-cup muffin tin. I spray Pam on instead. Maybe it makes me a bad nutritional baker. Using paper liners seems kind of wasteful to me.
Step 3: Whisk dry and wet ingredients separately. Then combine. Fold in stir-ins. I switch to a wooden spoon for that part.
Step 4: Portion into 12 muffin tins. Put them into the oven and bake for 14 minutes.

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